what’s the foundation of my work in Creative Consciousness?

Melissa Setubal
creative consciousness
2 min readJan 19, 2023


how i contribute to people, their personal and work projects, their communities and the world.

i am a skep/mystical person in service of creative people (we all are), catalyzing our innovative capacity through expanding our emotional repertoire, to amplify our actions that benefit the world.

i consider the following starting point to create, in a path from curiosity to realization:

  • quest self-awareness as the foundation of all processes to obtain more consciousness of our own emotions, with the understanding that contentment and pain are both part of the processes.
  • cultivate relational intelligence to be able to act in groups, and to practice compassion of ourselves and for others in their diversity.
  • practice courage of creating and expressing ourselves with authenticity in what make sense to us, with respect to the other existing points of view, and dissolving what generates suffering to the beings.
  • live the sense of connection with ourselves, with who surround us, with all there is, with something that is beyond we can comprehend, from the truth of interdependence, with love and integrity as the foundation of our own actions.
  • nurture our intuition to reach true innovation, considering emotional and rational, scientific and mystic, technological and spiritual.
  • strengthen faith in ourselves, in human beings, in life.
Drawing in graphite and charcoal, several grades of gray and black, thin parallel and curve lives, with blocks of full color.

